Media spouts open when not selected #11

opened 2022-07-24 08:54:08 +00:00 by AmineB · 2 comments


  • Are you running the latest version?
  • Did you check for an existing issue ?
  • Are you reporting to the correct repository?
  • Did you perform a cursory search?
  • Did you read the CONTRIBUTING guide ?


If using the article viewer option, opening an article in the list that is before or after a Youtube video opens the video in the internal browser rather than the selected article.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Enable the article viewer
  2. Add a youtube source and a normal RSS feed
  3. Open an article from the RSS feed which is next to a Youtube video

Expected behavior:

The selected article opens in the article viewer.

### Prerequisites * [x] Are you running the latest version? * [x] Did you check for an existing issue ? * [x] Are you reporting to the correct repository? * [x] Did you perform a cursory search? * [x] Did you read the `CONTRIBUTING` guide ? ### Description If using the article viewer option, opening an article in the list that is before or after a Youtube video opens the video in the internal browser rather than the selected article. ### Steps to Reproduce 1. Enable the article viewer 2. Add a youtube source and a normal RSS feed 3. Open an article from the RSS feed which is next to a Youtube video **Expected behavior:** The selected article opens in the article viewer.
AmineB added the
Priority = Low
Priority = Some day
Up For Grabs
labels 2022-07-24 08:54:08 +00:00
AmineB added this to the A little better milestone 2022-09-13 14:36:37 +00:00
AmineB added this to the (deleted) project 2022-09-13 14:36:41 +00:00
AmineB removed this from the (deleted) project 2022-09-13 14:44:58 +00:00

I'm not able to reproduce this anymore, I guess it got fixed somewhere in the transition to v2.

I'm not able to reproduce this anymore, I guess it got fixed somewhere in the transition to v2.

I'll try to reproduce it too before closing

I'll try to reproduce it too before closing
AmineB added the
Status = Need more details
label 2022-10-22 18:18:24 +00:00
AmineB added this to the (deleted) project 2022-11-02 19:07:51 +00:00
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Reference: Louvorg/ReaderForSelfoss-multiplatform#11
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