Repository Unit Tests #50

AmineB merged 38 commits from davidoskky/ReaderForSelfoss-multiplatform:repository_tests into master 2022-09-30 11:31:55 +00:00
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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import bou.amine.apps.readerforselfossv2.model.SelfossModel
import bou.amine.apps.readerforselfossv2.service.AppSettingsService
import bou.amine.apps.readerforselfossv2.utils.ItemType
import bou.amine.apps.readerforselfossv2.utils.toView
import com.github.ln_12.library.ConnectivityStatus
import io.mockk.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
@ -345,19 +346,20 @@ class RepositoryTest() {
every { appSettingsService.isUpdateSourcesEnabled() } returns false
val repository = Repository(api, appSettingsService, connectivityStatus, db)
var testTags: List<SelfossModel.Tag>? = null
var testTags: List<SelfossModel.Tag> = emptyList()
runBlocking {
testTags = repository.getTags()
testTags = repository.getTags()
AmineB marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Why is this called twice ?

Why is this called twice ?

To test that api.tags() gets called only once regardless of how many calls are made to the repository.

To test that api.tags() gets called only once regardless of how many calls are made to the repository.
assertNotSame(tags, testTags)
assertSame(tagsDB.first().name, testTags?.first()?.tag)
coVerify(exactly = 0) { api.tags() }
assertContentEquals( { it.toView() }, testTags)
coVerify(exactly = 1) { api.tags() }
verify(atLeast = 1) { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() }
fun `Get tags with sources update and db disabled`() {
fun `Get tags with sources update and items caching disabled`() {
val tags = listOf(SelfossModel.Tag("test", "red", 6),
SelfossModel.Tag("second", "yellow", 0))
val tagsDB = listOf(TAG("test_DB", "red", 6),
@ -369,12 +371,12 @@ class RepositoryTest() {
every { appSettingsService.isItemCachingEnabled() } returns false
val repository = Repository(api, appSettingsService, connectivityStatus, db)
var testTags: List<SelfossModel.Tag>? = null
var testTags: List<SelfossModel.Tag> = emptyList()
runBlocking {
testTags = repository.getTags()
assertSame(null, testTags)
assertSame(emptyList(), testTags)
coVerify(exactly = 0) { api.tags() }
verify(exactly = 0) { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() }
@ -415,14 +417,38 @@ class RepositoryTest() {
every { appSettingsService.isItemCachingEnabled() } returns false
val repository = Repository(api, appSettingsService, connectivityStatus, db)
var testTags: List<SelfossModel.Tag>? = null
var testTags: List<SelfossModel.Tag> = emptyList()
runBlocking {
testTags = repository.getTags()
assertSame(null, testTags)
assertContentEquals( { it.toView() }, testTags)
coVerify(exactly = 0) { api.tags() }
verify(exactly = 0) { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() }
verify(atLeast = 1) { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() }
fun `Get tags without connection and sources update disabled`() {
val tags = listOf(SelfossModel.Tag("test", "red", 6),
SelfossModel.Tag("second", "yellow", 0))
val tagsDB = listOf(TAG("test_DB", "red", 6),
TAG("second_DB", "yellow", 0))
coEvery { api.tags() } returns SelfossModel.StatusAndData(success = true, data = tags)
coEvery { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() } returns tagsDB
every { connectivityStatus.isNetworkConnected } returns MutableStateFlow(false)
every { appSettingsService.isUpdateSourcesEnabled() } returns false
val repository = Repository(api, appSettingsService, connectivityStatus, db)
var testTags: List<SelfossModel.Tag> = emptyList()
runBlocking {
testTags = repository.getTags()
AmineB marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

The same comments about Get tags without connection and items caching disabled should be considered here.

The same comments about `Get tags without connection and items caching disabled` should be considered here.
assertNotSame(tags, testTags)
assertContentEquals( { it.toView() }, testTags)
coVerify(exactly = 0) { api.tags() }
verify(atLeast = 1) { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() }