"Selfoss 阅读器" "登录" "密码" "转至" "密码不够长" "欄位必填" "网址" "Disable SSL" "需要登入?" "哎呀。您可能需要在网址的末尾添加一个 \"/\"。" "使用者名稱" "全部阅读" "断开连接" "设置" "常用" "标签1,标签2,标签3" "链接" "名称" "添加新源" "保存" "再次检查您的详细信息。" "所有帖子都未读" "所有帖子已读" "撤销" "登录以添加数据源。" "无法获取数据列表。" "无法创建源数据。" "Can't get spouts list because of a network issue." "无法获取数据列表" "窗体未完成" "链接" "问题追踪器" "报告错误或请求新功能" "警告" "卡片视图" "共享" "将未读数在底部显示为一个徽标。" "显示未读数" "显示收藏和已读的计数" "您似乎试图使用无效的 URL。确保它是正确的,如果问题仍然存在,请与我联系 (通过商店的联系链接)。请注意,该应用程序需要您使用 Selfoss。没有它,您无法访问 RSS 源。" "打开应用程序中的链接" "文章将在应用程序内打开" "文章将使用默认浏览器打开" "链接处理" "显示" "这些文章将以卡片形式显示" "这些文章将以列表形式显示" "更新远程" "远程已更新,您现在可以重新加载文章列表" "更新未执行,请稍后重试,或者查看 Selfoss 日志。" "正在进行刷新" 全高卡片 卡片高度将根据内容调整 卡片高度将被固定 源代码 标签 来源 搜索 无法删除数据源… 与您的 Selfoss 通信时出现问题。如果问题一直存在,请与我联系。 主题 塞尔福斯 Api 已加载项目编号 翻页时载入更多文章 翻译 项目链接地址无效。我正在设法解决这个问题,以避免应用程序崩溃。 项目数应为整数。 在浏览器中打开 分享 Mark articles as read when swiping between articles. Add to favorites Article reader content font size Article viewer This will refresh your Selfoss instance. This will mark all the items as read. Mark as read on swipe Don\'t mark articles as read when swiping. Mark item as unread Offline and cache Articles won\'t be saved to the device memory, and the app won\'t be usable offline. Articles will be saved to the device memory and will be used for offline use. Save items for offline use Check for new sources and tags Disable this if your server is receiving excessive amounts of database queries. "Network connection lost" "Network connection is now available" Sync articles Articles will not be synced in the background Articles will periodically be synced = 15 minutes)]]> Only refresh when phone is charging Loading … Selfoss is syncing your articles Sync notification New items notification New items ! %1$d new items loaded. Notify on new items synced. Offline Api Timeout Experimental Webview not available. Disabling the article viewer to avoid any future crashes. Will load articles inside of your browser from now on. Webview issue Align left Justify Reader font Remove source Light/Dark mode Dark mode Follow the system setting Light mode The app does not share any personal data about you. A crash occured. Sending the details to the developper. "Disable automatic bug reporting." Filters This app only works with a Selfoss instance, and no other RSS feed. Sources Update source Disconnect ? You will be disconnected from your selfoss instance. Can\'t open a link without a browser installed "暂无内容!" "新建" "所有" "收藏夹" "关于我们" "已读" "未讀項目" Confirm Deletion Are you sure you want to delete the following source?\n%s