<stringname="display_all_counts_title">"Display count for favorite and read"</string>
<stringname="text_wrong_url">"You seem to be trying to use an invalid URL. Make sure it is correct, and if the problem persists, contact me (via the store contact link). Please note that the app needs you to be using Selfoss. You can't access RSS feeds without it."</string>
<stringname="pref_general_internal_browser_title">"Open links inside the app"</string>
<stringname="pref_general_internal_browser_on">"Articles will open inside the app"</string>
<stringname="pref_general_internal_browser_off">"Articles will open with your default browser"</string>
<stringname="prefer_article_viewer_title">"Use the article viewer"</string>
<stringname="prefer_article_viewer_on">"Will use the article viewer instead of the internal browser"</string>
<stringname="prefer_article_viewer_off">"Will use the internal browser instead of the article viewer"</string>
<stringname="can_delete_source">Can\'t delete the source…</string>
<stringname="base_url_error">There was an issue when trying to communicate with your Selfoss Instance. If the issue persists, please get in touch with me.</string>
<stringname="login_debug_title">Activate to log login errors</string>
<stringname="login_debug_on">Any error on the login page will be logged</string>
<stringname="login_debug_off">No log on the login page</string>
<stringname="self_hosted_cert_switch">Using a self hosted certificate ?</string>
<stringname="self_signed_cert_warning">Due to security reasons, self signed certificates are not supported by default. By activating this, I\'ll not be responsible of any security problem you encounter.</string>
<stringname="refresh_dialog_message">This will refresh your Selfoss instance.</string>
<stringname="markall_dialog_message">This will mark all the items as read.</string>
<stringname="pref_switch_actions_pager_scroll">Mark as read on swipe</string>
<stringname="pref_switch_actions_pager_scroll_off">Don\'t mark articles as read when swiping.</string>
<stringname="gdpr_dialog_message">The app does not collect any personal data. Every analytics tools were removed. Crash reports sending is now optional, as is the debug logging. Keep in mind that debugging and crash reports are essential for the app development (You can configure everything in Settings > Debug).</string>
<stringname="gdpr_dialog_title">The app does not share any personal data about you.</string>
<stringname="crash_dialog_text">Something went wrong. Please send the report to the developer.</string>
<stringname="crash_dialog_comment">You can add any helpful details in the comment bellow. Don\'t include any personal data in your comment. You could send me and email with your debug id, and I\'ll keep you posted when the issue is resolved.</string>