<stringname="text_version">"You seem to be using a version of the app that doesn't come from the store. The app could have been tampered with. I will not be responsible if it causes any damage to your device. Consider using the ReaderForSelfoss app from the Play Store."</string>
<stringname="invitation_title">"Try this app for your Selfoss RSS feeds !"</string>
<stringname="invitation_message">"I use this app for my Selfoss RSS feeds. You may like it too !"</string>
<stringname="invitation_cta">"Try the app"</string>
<stringname="text_wrong_url">"You seem to be trying to use an invalid URL. Make sure it is correct, and if the problem persists, contact me (via the store contact link). Please note that the app needs you to be using Selfoss. You can't access RSS feeds without it."</string>
<stringname="pref_general_internal_browser_title">"Open links inside the app"</string>
<stringname="pref_general_internal_browser_on">"Articles will open inside the app"</string>
<stringname="pref_general_internal_browser_off">"Articles will open with your default browser"</string>
<stringname="prefer_article_viewer_title">"Use the article viewer"</string>
<stringname="prefer_article_viewer_on">"Will use the article viewer instead of the internal browser"</string>
<stringname="prefer_article_viewer_off">"Will use the internal browser instead of the article viewer"</string>
<stringname="intro_hello_title">"Hi there !"</string>
<stringname="intro_hello_message">"Thanks for downloading the app !"</string>
<stringname="intro_needs_selfoss_title">"Before you start…"</string>
<stringname="intro_needs_selfoss_message">"You can't use the app without a Selfoss instance."</string>
<stringname="intro_needs_selfoss_link">"What is Selfoss ?"</string>
<stringname="intro_all_set_title">"All set !"</string>
<stringname="intro_all_set_message">"You are ready to use the app. Don't forget to go to the settings page to configure your app, and where you'll find some useful links."</string>