"Lector para Selfoss"
"HTTP Password"
"Password not long enough"
"Field required"
"Login required ?"
"HTTP Login required ?"
"Oops. You may need to add a \"/\" at the end of the url."
"HTTP Username"
"Read all"
"Tap action on the articles"
"Tag1, Tag2, Tag3"
"Add a source"
"Check your details again."
"All posts weren't read"
"All posts were read"
"Can't get favorites"
"Can't get new articles"
"Can't get read articles"
"Nothing here"
"Item read"
"Log in to add sources."
"Can't get sources list."
"Can't create source."
"Can't get spouts list."
"The form is not complete"
"Issue Tracker"
"Report a bug or ask for a new feature"
"Card View"
"Can't mark article as favorite"
"Can't remove item from favorite"
"Enjoying the app ?"
"Yes !"
"Not really …"
"Can you tell us why ?"
"OK !"
"Not now."
"Great ! Can you rate us on the Store ?"
"Sure !"
"Not right now."
"Thanks, your feedback help enhance the app !"
"Display the unread count as a badge for the bottom bar."
"Display unread count"
"Display count for favorite and read"
"Try this app for your Selfoss RSS feeds !"
"I use this app for my Selfoss RSS feeds. You may like it too !"
"Try the app"
"You seem to be trying to use an invalid URL. Make sure it is correct, and if the problem persists, contact me (via the store contact link). Please note that the app needs you to be using Selfoss. You can't access RSS feeds without it."
"Open links inside the app"
"Articles will open inside the app"
"Articles will open with your default browser"
"Use the article viewer"
"Will use the article viewer instead of the internal browser"
"Will use the internal browser instead of the article viewer"
"Link handling"
"The articles will be displayed as cards"
"The articles will be displayed as a list"
"Displays the action bar under the article"
"When selecting an article it will open in your selected browser"
"Update remote"
"The remote is updated, you can now reload the articles list"
"The update didn't work, try again later, or check your selfoss logs."
"Refresh in progress"
"A new APK is available."
"A new APK is available to download on the official repository."
"Download now"
"Ignore version"
"Hi there !"
"Thanks for downloading the app !"
"Before you start…"
"You can't use the app without a Selfoss instance."
"What is Selfoss ?"
"All set !"
"You are ready to use the app. Don't forget to go to the settings page to configure your app, and where you'll find some useful links."
Full height cards
Cards height will adjust to its content
Card height will be fixed
Source code
Can\'t mark article as read
Error loading tags…
Error loading sources…
Couldn\'t cache your drawer data
No tags loaded
No sources loaded
Loading …
Can\'t delete the source…
There was an issue when trying to communicate with your Selfoss Instance. If the issue persists, please get in touch with me.
Activate to log login errors
Any error on the login page will be logged
No log on the login page
Using a self hosted certificate ?
Due to security reasons, self signed certificates are not supported by default. By activating this, I\'ll not be responsible of any security problem you encounter.
Selfoss Api
Loaded items number
Read articles appearing as unread ?
No log when marking an item as read
Api calls will be logged when marking an article as read
Debug identifier
Identifier copied to your clipboard
Display a header with the selfoss instance url on the lateral drawer.
Account header
Logging every api calls
This will log every api call for debug purpose.
No api call will be logged
Load more articles on scroll
The item url is invalid. I\'m looking into solving this issue so the app won\'t crash.
Report a bug
The items number should be an integer.
Read more
Open in browser
Mark articles as read when swiping between articles.
Add to favorites
Remove from favorites
Article reader content font size
Article viewer
This will refresh your Selfoss instance.
This will mark all the items as read.
Mark as read on swipe
Don\'t mark articles as read when swiping.
The app does not collect any personal data. Every analytics tools were removed. Crash reports sending is now optional, as is the debug logging. Keep in mind that debugging and crash reports are essential for the app development (You can configure everything in Settings > Debug).
The app does not share any personal data about you.
Something went wrong. Please send the report to the developer.
You can add any helpful details in the comment bellow. Don\'t include any personal data in your comment. You could send me and email with your debug id, and I\'ll keep you posted when the issue is resolved.
Contact email
Add an email so I can contact you about the crash reports you send.
Automatically send crash reports
Will send crash reports automatically
Will ask everytime when sending crash reports.
Crash reports
Debug logging (these will be sent without a dialog)
Enable logging