davidoskky 46e723a238
Migration of Item management to SharedItems (#345)
* Refactor Item addition and deletion

* Metods to filter the items according to read and starred status

* Remove displayed items only if displaying unread items

* Remove unnecessary api calls on tab change and delegate item storage to SharedItems

* Store articles in SharedItems when they get fetched

* Add tag filtering

* Mark items as read

* Disable sorting function

* Add function to get the unread status of an element.

* Fetch items on pull gesture

* Move marking as read logic in SharedItems.

* Delegate item status to SharedItems

* Allow changing unread status of items

* Use full article position reference and not the relative one

* Delegate marking items as unread to SharedItems

* Delegate database addition of Items to SharedItems.

* Function to only provide connectivity information

* Better database management

* Sort items by date

* Provide information about item caching to SharedItems

* Add missing imports

* Update database after fetching articles

* Add missing variable

* Remove unused import

* Use coroutines to access database

* Use coroutines to simultaneously fetch articles.

* Update database after fetching articles.

* Don't block thread when accessing the database

* Prevent crash if connectivity is lost while fetching articles

* Show "Not connected" snackbar if there is no connection or connection is lost during download

* Use coroutines in the background sync

* Added function to get only new items

* Introduced function to filter articles

* Don't execute background sync if the option is disabled

* Improve item filtering

* Apply filters when they are selected on the UI

* Handle infinite scroll

* Incorrect parameters were passed

* Simplify tab selection logic

* Upgrade kotlin jvm to version 1.8

* On tab change fetch new items if the item list is not completely populated

* Remove redundant assignations.

* Fetch articles when changing tag, source or search if the list is not fully populated

* Fetch only the article in the tab selected

* Correct inconsistent position address

* Disable swiping articles only if favorites are selected

* Delegate badge count to SharedItems

* Clear the database when the app starts in order to avoid accumulation and inconsistencies

* Remove unused functions and variables

* Do not overwrite fetched items with old copies from the database

* Display "There's nothing here" only if there are no articles

* Adapt function to read all articles to the new changes

* Use IO Dispatcher for Database and Network computations

* Adapt Background sync to the usage of SharedItems

* Handle refresh gesture appropriately by refreshing the whole items list

* Remove unused imports
2021-09-25 13:45:51 +02:00

162 lines
5.3 KiB

buildscript {
def gitVersion() {
def process
def maybeTagOfCurrentCommit = 'git describe --contains HEAD'.execute()
if (maybeTagOfCurrentCommit.text.isEmpty()) {
println "No tag on current commit. Will take the latest one."
process = "git for-each-ref refs/tags --sort=-authordate --format='%(refname:short)' --count=1".execute()
} else {
println "Tag found on current commit"
process = 'git describe --contains HEAD'.execute()
return process.text.replaceAll("'", "").substring(1).replaceAll("\\.", "").trim()
def versionCodeFromGit() {
println "version code " + gitVersion()
return gitVersion().toInteger()
def versionNameFromGit() {
println "version name " + gitVersion()
return gitVersion()
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