This commit is contained in:
@ -380,11 +380,13 @@ class Repository(private val api: SelfossApi, private val appSettingsService: Ap
private fun deleteDBAction(action: ACTION) =
// TODO: This function should be private
fun getDBTags(): List<TAG> = db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList()
// TODO: This function should be private
fun getDBSources(): List<SOURCE> = db.sourcesQueries.sources().executeAsList()
fun resetDBTagsWithData(tagEntities: List<SelfossModel.Tag>) {
private fun resetDBTagsWithData(tagEntities: List<SelfossModel.Tag>) {
db.tagsQueries.transaction {
@ -394,7 +396,7 @@ class Repository(private val api: SelfossApi, private val appSettingsService: Ap
fun resetDBSourcesWithData(sources: List<SelfossModel.Source>) {
private fun resetDBSourcesWithData(sources: List<SelfossModel.Source>) {
db.sourcesQueries.transaction {
@ -2,16 +2,19 @@ package bou.amine.apps.readerforselfossv2.repository
import bou.amine.apps.readerforselfossv2.dao.ITEM
import bou.amine.apps.readerforselfossv2.dao.ReaderForSelfossDB
import bou.amine.apps.readerforselfossv2.dao.TAG
import bou.amine.apps.readerforselfossv2.model.SelfossModel
import bou.amine.apps.readerforselfossv2.service.AppSettingsService
import bou.amine.apps.readerforselfossv2.utils.ItemType
import bou.amine.apps.readerforselfossv2.utils.toEntity
import com.github.ln_12.library.ConnectivityStatus
import io.mockk.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlin.test.BeforeTest
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertNotSame
import kotlin.test.assertSame
class RepositoryTest() {
@ -30,6 +33,7 @@ class RepositoryTest() {
every { appSettingsService.getApiVersion() } returns 4
every { appSettingsService.getBaseUrl() } returns ""
every { appSettingsService.isItemCachingEnabled() } returns false
every { appSettingsService.isUpdateSourcesEnabled() } returns true
every { connectivityStatus.isNetworkConnected } returns MutableStateFlow(true)
@ -37,6 +41,9 @@ class RepositoryTest() {
coEvery { api.stats() } returns SelfossModel.Stats(NUMBER_ARTICLES, NUMBER_UNREAD, NUMBER_STARRED)
every { db.itemsQueries.items().executeAsList() } returns generateTestDBItems()
every { db.tagsQueries.deleteAllTags() } returns Unit
every { db.tagsQueries.transaction(any(), any()) } returns Unit
every { db.tagsQueries.insertTag(any()) } returns Unit
@ -281,6 +288,115 @@ class RepositoryTest() {
coVerify(exactly = 0) { api.stats() }
verify(exactly = 0) { db.itemsQueries.items().executeAsList()}
fun `Get tags`() {
val tags = listOf(SelfossModel.Tag("test", "red", 6),
SelfossModel.Tag("second", "yellow", 0))
coEvery { api.tags() } returns tags
val repository = Repository(api, appSettingsService, connectivityStatus, db)
var testTags: List<SelfossModel.Tag>? = null
runBlocking {
testTags = repository.getTags()
assertSame(tags, testTags)
verify(exactly = 0) { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() }
fun `Get tags with sources update disabled`() {
val tags = listOf(SelfossModel.Tag("test", "red", 6),
SelfossModel.Tag("second", "yellow", 0))
val tagsDB = listOf(TAG("test_DB", "red", 6),
TAG("second_DB", "yellow", 0))
coEvery { api.tags() } returns tags
coEvery { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() } returns tagsDB
every { appSettingsService.isUpdateSourcesEnabled() } returns false
val repository = Repository(api, appSettingsService, connectivityStatus, db)
var testTags: List<SelfossModel.Tag>? = null
runBlocking {
testTags = repository.getTags()
assertNotSame(tags, testTags)
assertSame(tagsDB.first().name, testTags?.first()?.tag)
coVerify(exactly = 0) { api.tags() }
verify(atLeast = 1) { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() }
fun `Get tags with sources update and db disabled`() {
val tags = listOf(SelfossModel.Tag("test", "red", 6),
SelfossModel.Tag("second", "yellow", 0))
val tagsDB = listOf(TAG("test_DB", "red", 6),
TAG("second_DB", "yellow", 0))
coEvery { api.tags() } returns tags
coEvery { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() } returns tagsDB
every { appSettingsService.isUpdateSourcesEnabled() } returns false
every { appSettingsService.isItemCachingEnabled() } returns false
val repository = Repository(api, appSettingsService, connectivityStatus, db)
var testTags: List<SelfossModel.Tag>? = null
runBlocking {
testTags = repository.getTags()
assertSame(null, testTags)
coVerify(exactly = 0) { api.tags() }
verify(exactly = 0) { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() }
fun `Get tags without connection`() {
val tags = listOf(SelfossModel.Tag("test", "red", 6),
SelfossModel.Tag("second", "yellow", 0))
val tagsDB = listOf(TAG("test_DB", "red", 6),
TAG("second_DB", "yellow", 0))
coEvery { api.tags() } returns tags
coEvery { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() } returns tagsDB
every { connectivityStatus.isNetworkConnected } returns MutableStateFlow(false)
val repository = Repository(api, appSettingsService, connectivityStatus, db)
var testTags: List<SelfossModel.Tag>? = null
runBlocking {
testTags = repository.getTags()
assertNotSame(tags, testTags)
assertSame(tagsDB.first().name, testTags?.first()?.tag)
coVerify(exactly = 0) { api.tags() }
verify(atLeast = 1) { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() }
fun `Get tags without connection and items caching disabled`() {
val tags = listOf(SelfossModel.Tag("test", "red", 6),
SelfossModel.Tag("second", "yellow", 0))
val tagsDB = listOf(TAG("test_DB", "red", 6),
TAG("second_DB", "yellow", 0))
coEvery { api.tags() } returns tags
coEvery { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() } returns tagsDB
every { connectivityStatus.isNetworkConnected } returns MutableStateFlow(false)
every { appSettingsService.isItemCachingEnabled() } returns false
val repository = Repository(api, appSettingsService, connectivityStatus, db)
var testTags: List<SelfossModel.Tag>? = null
runBlocking {
testTags = repository.getTags()
assertSame(null, testTags)
coVerify(exactly = 0) { api.tags() }
verify(exactly = 0) { db.tagsQueries.tags().executeAsList() }
fun generateTestDBItems(item : FakeItemParameters = FakeItemParameters()) : List<ITEM> {
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